Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bad or Good??

I feel like I have been used up by people, now days I feel like being a good guy is not easy. Being an evil guy is just a day but being a good guy will take time, as I had been thru this situation. When I was in standard 4 I been very naughty till no one can believe that is me from last time. I get to change myself but this really takes a lot of time to change back to a good guy and guess how long? Till form 4, if I am not wrong I get to change myself to be a good boy. No fight, no argue & Concentrate on my studies. When I get to be a good guy and I found it is not easy to be that. I love to help my friends and family if they really need my helps. But sometime I really feel that, they did not treat me as friends, using me as their Product. Am I that easily get to be bully? If last time I am in form 1-3, no one dare to do that me. Although I am not free, I will still try to help all my friends that really need help. I don’t mind helping them; maybe this is because from Small get to feel lonely, when I need help there is no one willing to help you. But I don’t feel like treating my friends like what I get last time. If I manage to help my friends I will still help them in any situation. I hate people take advantage on me and I don’t like people to talk behind me. If you have the guts to talk bad about me, come forward? I am willing to listen!

What Should I choose? Bad or Good?