Monday, December 14, 2009

::: Continue :::

Watching movie with her and my little brother. We had a early day with her and my brother. Wake up around 8am, Get ourself ready to had our breakfast near to my house area cause we are short of time to head to Damansara for The Storm Warriors Movie. After eating our movie around 9am something, we head to straight to our day journey. Reach Cineleisure around 10.30am as our movie start around 10.50am. We thought that we are late to collect our ticket guess what we saw in at the counter, "For Earlier Movie show Please do not collect your ticket earlier than 10.30am" Me, her and my bro looks like this = ="
(swt face). After watching that movie and we did not plan to go anyway, but out of suddenly we plan to go to sunway pyramid as my dear wanted to pay her phone bill in maxis center. So we proceed our journey to sunway pyramid. On the way we call her friend out call  Jason to meet up, Guess what? they are already in sunway pyramid shopping with his girlfriend. As we reach to sunway pyramid we meet up my bi bi friend and had a drink in Wong Kok Cafe. After drinking we plan to walk around Sunway Pyramid and Pay her Phone Bill. Once we does all that we plan to go home to have some rest cause we all wake up so early to see movie.

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