Haven Fun with my family in Cameron Highland
Well on this trip i get to have a lot of fun & very happy to be with my family and be with her. This is my 3rd trip with her to Cameron Highland. Really Love to be with her, everyday and night I can hold her hand while visit all the place in cameron. We really like the weather in Cameron because it was cold over they at night. While we are at the Pasar Tani, I feel cold more then hot. I feel cold till I need to buy some hot food to eat. and we all have fun and get to visit some nice and cooling place.
Place to Visit: Strawberry Farm, Bee Farm, Rose Valley, Blue Valley Farm, Pasar Tani, Boh Teh Plantation & Strawberry Resort.
Chinese New Year Day 1
Did not do much thing on day one due to some problem in my family we could not celebrate our Chinese New Year. Only go to Mid Valley Shopping mall just to get cold air & when into World of Feng Sui that all.
Chinese New Year Day 2
When to Klang to fetch my Girlfriend and we go for lunch.
Chinese New Year Day 3
Going to Raub to have a lunch with her since she help us a lot and i love her cooking (vegeterian). On the way back from Raub we when up to Genting and we had our lunch in Gohtong Jaya. We proceed our journey to Genting Highland but unlucky it was too pack up there till no parking for us to park our car. We just take a ride and use the first world toilet and we came back to KL.
Chinese New Year Day 4
Cameron Highland Trip with family & Girlfriend. As you can see the photo above.